So obviously the thing I haven't talked about yet was my assessment, how it went and stuff. Whatever. It wasn't that great. Fallow this link to see one of the parts that I submitted and a short intro to the work I presented for assessment:
My feedback grade was not what I wanted or what I think I deserve. Nowhere near it. Although the feedback did give a bit of a realistic description of my work, my weaknesses and my strengths. I guess it always boils down to two words with me "work harder". It's true, I don't work half as hard as I should, although this is not for my projects that got assessed. Or at least it's not true in regards to my efforts for the last 6 weeks we had... Okay so I was a bit lazy in the beginning of the year which I thought would be a plausible drawback, but what I got criticised on was the group project. This project only initiated 6 weeks before assessment, and I'd say we did a pretty good job at being hermits as a group in order to complete our goals... which we sort of did in the end. The problem with this group in particular was that we all had so much fun doing work together... and maybe more fun than work.
This is something else I have trouble with, see I was put in a group for my advertisement elective and my modern thoughts project with people I didn't exactly get along with, yes we didn't exactly "waste" time socialising about something other than our work, so it was strictly professional. But because of this meeting up was more of a dreaded chore for me and the work itself was less enjoyable. Whereas for the initially mentioned project the four of us enjoyed each other's company, making meet-ups more regular, because we wanted to work together, and also making them less dreaded. We were also hence more likely to produce more work by spending more time together, and being all constantly sharing out work made development a much easier task.
The tutors didn't seem to enjoy this so much. But I'm really just saying this because I'm bitter, I know that they were more interested in the outcome and documentation, which we did deliver, only apparently it wasn't enough. Lets drop this subject because frankly, it's making me pissy again, something which took me 2 weeks to drop.
Anyway, This is what my tutorial sheet says:
"Student: Pedro
Pathway: T/G
Date: 14/6/10
Year: 2 Term: 3
Progress Report:
Disapointed with assessment(duh) & felt worked harder this unit.
See assessment sheet of project feedback(I don't really want to post this, because I'm having a hard enough time translating my tutor's handwriting from this sheet as it is)
Summer work: SI work / research
Issues / Actions:
Develop ways to document your projects as a fluid evidence. Discover other methods to record process. Develop over time / during summer. Organic better than mechanical. Find a method you enjoy!"
So that's me this summer. Woot.