
University of Brighton Photography exhibition

On my way to lunch after the CSM show I bumped into this exhibition. I didn't get all the details down about the artists unfortunately and have no information about the course and am not even sure if it was University of Brighton. I am however sure it had something to do with the words "Brighton", "University and "photography". I was hungry. But i did find a few pieces to be worthwhile and very useful research for the project I pan on starting.

These are the ones I found relevant to me(in a rush):

I really like the composition and lighting of this image. I have a thing for dreads and feathers in photography, and found this to be a great representation of this obsession of mine. 

I like how these look like organisms, like something that belongs in your body, they probably are guts, I didn't read the tag. Although they look a little more like under-water paint clouds. Never the less, I enjoy the texture and the colours of these images, and am seriously contemplating making a big scale illustration of one of them or even a set of the four.

This is a piece about breast cancer(I presume) which is something I have lived with to an extent(it runs in the women of my family). I just really love the way these were shot, it shows a little bit about the subject as well as the effect this illness has on their bodies. It really is a beautiful piece, and highly inspirational.

CSM Graphic Design Show Snappys

So I went snapping away at the pieces presented by the final years of the CSM graphics graduate show. I found a few pieces interesting but in my opinion it wasn't a very strong show. It worked well collectively but some pieces definitely stood out from the majority. 

Here are some I found pleasing to the eye and the mind:

I didn't really look into who did most of these. A lot of people did work that is relevant to what I'm planning on initiating over the summer, which I'm using as inspiration. I am thankful for those pieces also and I will feature them as soon as I start working on that project.


So obviously the thing I haven't talked about yet was my assessment, how it went and stuff. Whatever. It wasn't that great. Fallow this link to see one of the parts that I submitted and a short intro to the work I presented for assessment: P U B L I C

My feedback grade was not what I wanted or what I think I deserve. Nowhere near it. Although the feedback did give a bit of a realistic description of my work, my weaknesses and my strengths. I guess it always boils down to two words with me "work harder". It's true, I don't work half as hard as I should, although this is not for my projects that got assessed. Or at least it's not true in regards to my efforts for the last 6 weeks we had... Okay so I was a bit lazy in the beginning of the year which I thought would be a plausible drawback, but what I got criticised on was the group project. This project only initiated 6 weeks before assessment, and I'd say we did a pretty good job at being hermits as a group in order to complete our goals... which we sort of did in the end. The problem with this group in particular was that we all had so much fun doing work together... and maybe more fun than work.

This is something else I have trouble with, see I was put in a group for my advertisement elective and my modern thoughts project with people I didn't exactly get along with, yes we didn't exactly "waste" time socialising about something other than our work, so it was strictly professional. But because of this meeting up was more of a dreaded chore for me and the work itself was less enjoyable. Whereas for the initially mentioned project the four of us enjoyed each other's company, making meet-ups more regular, because we wanted to work together, and also making them less dreaded. We were also hence more likely to produce more work by spending more time together, and being all constantly sharing out work made development a much easier task.

The tutors didn't seem to enjoy this so much. But I'm really just saying this because I'm bitter, I know that they were more interested in the outcome and documentation, which we did deliver, only apparently it wasn't enough. Lets drop this subject because frankly, it's making me pissy again, something which took me 2 weeks to drop.

Anyway, This is what my tutorial sheet says:

"Student: Pedro
Pathway: T/G
Date: 14/6/10
Year: 2            Term: 3

Progress Report:
Disapointed with assessment(duh) & felt worked harder this unit.

See assessment sheet of project feedback(I don't really want to post this, because I'm having a hard enough time translating my tutor's handwriting from this sheet as it is)

Summer work: SI work / research

Issues / Actions:

Develop ways to document your projects as a fluid evidence. Discover other methods to record process. Develop over time / during summer. Organic better than mechanical. Find a method you enjoy!"

So that's me this summer. Woot.

A short break.

A lot has happened since I last posted. I'm not going to try to make excuses, I was just too lazy to care. In a way I still am, seeing as I'm back in my hobo mode. As in, if I didn't have my parent's support I would be a hobo.

Anyway I have been to a view places and a few things have happened. I'll make sure to talk about this things today, that's going to be my goal, rather than spending the whole day playing Marvel Ultimate Alliance. So please bear with me, as today, I'm yours.


Split screen

Yet another inspirational video:

Uverse Pixelation

Found these amazingly beautiful. Very inspiring indeed.

Of course the pixelation is what I find beautiful
it's very Yoshi Sodeoka.

Apparently this is only a glitch and wasn't done for
the purpose of art. I need to look into this program...


Readying for assessment.

This is my "sketchbook" for one of my projects.
 I decided to make them look "professional". I didn't annotate anything. instead I did something far more tedious.
I wrote about 11000 words on words for it.

Never doing it again.

Monster Ball Excitement!

So a couple of friends and I decided to go to the monster ball and yesterday we tried buy tickets, but we had no luck. either the page failed or the tickets were all sold out in the first 10 minutes. 

The day before I tried on clothes that my flatmate was throwing away to make a costume. that's what it looked like. Personally I think it's cool. There is also a video. I'll probably post that later.


Alexander Jordan Photography

That's me again.

I love that head piece so much. It was actually dark metallic green. So amazing.
Basically Alex was the guy who photographed me for the COMIT magazine issue
and he is too cool. I just found this on his blog. I might be able to get some more
photos of that photoshoot up on here soon, I just need to drop by my agency
and collect them. When I can be bothered.



This is the link for the magazine. Do check it out, it's quite nice. I't really just a bunch of photoshoots.

OMIT Shoot.

It's finally out. But I'm not too happy about the pictures they chose of me to be honest,
there were better ones...

Here are the ones with me in them:

I'm the guy with the shorter black hair.

Here's to hoping that my agency gets the other ones and not just the ones from the magazine.
Although there is one thing I really love, that's the magazine's typography

This is the front cover:

It's so good. <3


Went gaga over show studio interview

So yesterday I watched the Lady Gaga show studio interview... twice. 
And I guess it's a given that I loved it so much I wanted to have it's babies.
The interview was highly personal. Fans and friends of Gaga's(mostly the famous ones)
asked her interesting yet semi-trivial questions, and she answered them with
such wise responses that made so happy I could die(no pun intended).
I found it very very personal. Some might argue that the typing was kind of annoying
but it was those moments of silence that made me love this interview. It made me
feel close to her. I know it sounds cheesy but it did. I had her on full screen
while I sipped my tea along with her. And like the little loving monster that I am,
I supported her and loved everything she had to say. From her thoughts on
her music reaching out to certain kinds of people and being viewed as art made by
an artist rather than music made by a celebrity to the fact that she loves

I love you Gaga, You're monster always.


My current desktop

Just wanted to show how the icons looked on the desktop:

Yeah my laptop is a PC.

And yes that is lady gaga, and yes I did edit the picture and yes I arranged the icons by colour. and it just so happens that they are also ordered by colour as well as importance. (centre being the mos important)

My icons

I think I did these last year or so, and I just recently found them again when I was 
looking for stuff to delete today. For some reason the icon files weren't working so I converted the JPEGs again today and made them again!

This is my icon for my "work" folder:

This is the icon for my Documents folder:

This is my Icon for my comp folder:

This is the icon for my Exp folder:

And last but definitely not least this is the icon for my Media folder:

I actually really like them. I don't know why I didn't do this earlier.

I'm researching how to design my task bar and windows. Paired with a screen saver I'll have my own set soon. And I may upload it. I'm thinking of making more of these icons for other things.
Back to course work.



So just came back from an editorial shoot for OMIT magazine. Apparently it's coming out soon, it's not even released yet but it will be on the 1st of June, so bear with me as I'll be sure to link it when it comes out.

I really enjoyed working with the team, twas fun, and I got to wear some super clothes. Now back to more depressing work.


Modern thoughts is a no go.

Okay so, I had this exhibition to prepare for called "modern thoughts", and I finished working on the video I was going to present yesterday. We were supposed to set up our work today but, as luck would have it, it got cancelled, or postponed, or whatever. Sad, but the strange thing is that I don't really feel the pain that much. I mean a lot of my classmates seem to be upset about it. But the exhibition, or rather the idea of there being one, served it's purpose for me. I mean, it's put the pressure on me and made me finalise my modern thoughts final piece. I might put the one-minute version of the video on here. Maybe tomorrow Jack, maybe tomorrow.

Experimenting with shit

So I thought I would experiment a little with colour on the jewel stone I did yesterday. Just so I feel productive, ya know? Whatever helps me sleep at night.

Pretty colours.

There's like a black line there... it's... conceptual.
I might do some stuff with type tomorrow.


Call me vain, shame on... shame on you.

Yeah so I was thinking of making the same thing I did with the collage only on photoshop to see if would take less time. SO I used my face, and made it my facebook profile picture(...yay). Turns out it takes almost as long cause I had to do the jewel on illustrator beforehand rather than hand drawing it. OH WELL!

Out with the old, in with the crap.

So there's the heap of magazines that I don't want to keep either because they're not magazines that I am particularly into, or because they're damaged and old. Actually I found that in that pile there was one of my favourite copies of 10men magazine, and I was beyond unhappy that it was damaged... someone is going to pay(if I were physically capable of crying over material things, I would). Back on the topic, I thought I'd make something out if some pages in them. SO I got inspired by pictures of diamonds that I was browsing through and decided to make a collage with them.

This is what I got:

It took way longer than I think it would, as I did it by hand. I just scanned it in and since the night just said hi I'm going to eat my dinner and do stuff to this tomorrow... or next week, or something.

Working on something that I don't need to be doing

So here's the thing. I find that whenever I don't have deadlines I just can't be bothered to do any work. I feel like because graphic design is my full time occupation, when I have free time I ought to not do it. Which completely contradicts the point of me pursuing a career in this field seeing as I can't enjoy it enough to work when I'm not asked to.

However, strangely I find that when I have a deadline for course work, I get the urge to do something completely self fabricated. I mean just the other day I was asking my friend Jo if she would mind acting in a concept for a film that I have in mind. The problem is that this is happening while I have 4 projects due for assessment in 3 weeks. I swear, some times I think I'm a sadist.

"It has risen again!"

So I've decided to go at this again. This time with a completely different blog name and new promise. One which I might just break by tomorrow. But I will try to keep this going this blog going this time. I plan on using it as motivation for making one day projects over the summer holiday. However since currently deadlines are drawing near, I will only be creating work once a week until after assessment.